Drawing on the Senses

Drawing on the Senses (DOTS) is the name I have given to the constellation of activities and approaches that comprise my teaching and mentorship practice. It means, quite simply, that we draw on our senses in order to engage with our creative selves. This sometimes includes but is not limited to marking-making (drawing) exercises. These exercises and prompts take a somatic approach to creativity. Somatic means of the body, so if you are engaged in a somatic practice of some kind, it means that you are involving not just the use of your body but also an awareness of it from the inside out --  how your body moves, heals, the kind of knowledge your body holds, including those less tangible things like intuition. My approach to working with creativity is therefore a process of developing an awareness of our sensing bodies and discovering ways to experience how sensation informs our creative thinking. When we consciously engage our senses, we become more aware of how we take in our world and how that affects the way we perceive, interpret, and make meaning of it.

On this page are DOTS warm-up exercises, what I consider to be basics of this practice.

I hope you benefit from these offerings in some way and please feel free to leave a comment on how they are working for you. If you are an educator, feel free to use and credit.

Additional Teaching and Mentorship Offerings

There are many ways for you to access this material.

Wanting more materials to read, with prompts to reflect on and try different approaches to creativity? Download my Gut Lights & Moon Shadows e-book.

Enjoy the interactivity and intimacy of cards in your explorations of creativity? Buy my Gut Lights & Moon Shadows 30 card creativity deck.

Wondering if mentorship is right for you? Schedule a free 20 minute exploratory call with me.

Ready to get started? Purchase a Creative Mentorship Introductory Package.

Seeking downloadable courses on specific topics for guided self-study? Check out my web store for a list of course options.

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